Camp Volunteers
Volunteering at camp is an awesome way to grow in your faith, develop your leadership skills and make some great new friends and memories at the same time! We love growing young people at Tōtara Springs. As part of being a volunteer at camp, we invest in you too.
Leadership at camp

Leader in Training (LiT)A programme for teens 14+ who are keen to get a headstart leading with us and gain some experience before jumping in a cabin.

Kids Camp LeadersAs a leader, you will lead a cabin of 6-10 kids. Encourage them, share Gods love, get to know them, look out for them and give them the best week of their lives!

Teens Camp LeadersCome lead at Winter teens! If you are 19+ and would like to join with us investing in the lives and spiritual journeys of Teens then this is the place for you!
Interested in Leading?
Would you like to volunteer with us, but don't know where to start?
fill out the form below, select which leadership positions you are interested in and we will be in touch!

Camp ParentEach camp we need adults who can help us care for our campers medical and emotional needs. For more information get in touch with the camp coordinator.

Board MemberIf you would like more information about becoming a board member and what that looks like please contact the board secretary at

International VolunteerWe partner with new ventures worldwide to have 3-5 international staff each year. For more information contact our office.

Small Project VolunteerInterested in helping out our property team? Contact our office to get involved. 07 888 4700

Pastoral Care Our Pastoral Care Team are there to provide support, mentoring and encouragement to leaders throughout the week. You'll have top leadership skills, initiative and a passion for camping while volunteering as a leader. This role is by invite only, but we welcome expressions of interest too.